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List of References Templates

Before coming to the actual content let’s discuss the word “Reference” to make the matter more understandable.

The word “Reference” is typically used, in the Human Resource industry, for endorsing/recommending someone for employment. For instance, “Reference” is the person who comments on another’s character and qualifications, especially for job purposes.

Now let’s discuss why References are an important ingredient in a resume. Take into account the importance of references in a resume, which is a document that contains all your qualifications, credentials, experiences, skills, other qualifications, co-curricular activities, certifications, memberships, and other personal data, all known to you, and created by yourself, now when an organization/company (employer) receives your resume, seems quite attractive and also up to the mark, as required for a particular job description, the question arises for its genuineness and validity, whether your resume is fairly and truly written. Hence, there arises this ingredient, the last but most important for an employer to look for in your resume, that is “References”.

Free List of References Templates

Reference List Template 01


Reference List Template 02


Reference List Template 03


Reference List Template 04


Reference List Template 05


Reference List Template 06


In this section, you are supposed to give basic details of your references such as Name/s, address/es, email address/es, contact number/s, a company he/she/they work for (including company address, his / her / their designation/ s), and the years you have been known to him/her/them.

Mostly, you are required to provide three references from your past / current organizations or if you are inexperienced then from people from your social circle who are already working for some organization. But not necessarily, all the organizations asking for the same number of references might be less or more.

When you are submitting your resume on your own or generally in response to a vacancy advertised whereby no specification is given for providing several references then you should mention at least three, if you are rich enough to have some good references, to make your resume authentic and valid in front of the employer, who is going to read your document for the first time and can come to know you well after knowing your references section.  Although, mentioning one reference is also enough, for general application.

We also find that people give the heading “References” in their resumes and write under it “To be provided upon request”, this is also genuine. This reveals that you are aware of the importance of references in your resume and feel that once your resume is selected then the employer may ask you for the references and you confidentially provide the references known to you.

Furthermore, always try to provide valid and genuine references and never take it as easy as it seems to be. Never think that the details you have given in the references will not be tried by the employer or are just to make your resume impressive. Before providing a reference always check with that person and make him ready for a call from your expected employer for your recommendations.

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