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Bakery Price List Template

Why does one open up a Bakery?

Apart from the obvious ‘love of baking and sharing happiness’?

To make profits and to profit on the immense talent that you have. How can you profit from your talent?

How would you let people know about the various entities that you are selling and how much do they have to pay to get a taste of your scrumptious offerings? Through a price list.

This price list will encompass everything related to your menu and the money that you are asking your clientele to pay to get a bite of your delicious offerings. This price list is both printed along with the menu and plastered above the cash counter so people ordering can get a view of the offerings and the prices most easily and efficiently possible. One should know that the price list cannot be just made or typed and then printed, a lot of detail and planning needs to be done when making a bakery price list. Your price list needs to be readable along with being catchy. The reason behind this is psychological.

Here is a preview of a Free Printable Bakery Price List Template created using MS Word,

Bakery-Price-List 01

Here is the download link for above mentioned Free Bakery Price List Template,


Your clientele will be paying money out of their pockets to you and need to be allured and attracted via your price list (and of course your offerings as well) so they don’t think twice before taking money out of their pocket. This is why a bakery price list needs to be made in a fun and cozy way along with being decipherable and easy to read. A handy tip when making a bakery price list is that follow the theme of your bakery’s décor and your delicacies. If you have a vintage café type feeling emerging from your bakery, then make a price list that is written on a blackboard and by chalks of various colors and in a font that is loopy and fun. Many bakeries to attract customers, hand their price lists outside of their venue to attract more customers as well.

If you offer various servings then make sure that your bakery price list is made according to the various servings. For example ‘slice of cake – $3.99 each’. This ‘each’ is a significant part and is mentioned to assist and aid your clientele. If you have a handwritten price list then you can always add some zest and funk daily. Clientele can get easily bored if there are no changes made regularly and will be dulled out by the bakery as well. If you plan on offering any deals or discounts, then don’t forget to mention those on the price list as well. Who wouldn’t be attracted by great deals and discounts? Add some fun and pictures of cupcakes and cakes (or any special delicacy of your bakery) to your price list and customize it accordingly. The choice of the color palette should be such that it is not too shocking and neither it is too dull. It should reflect happiness!

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