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Sign Off Sheet Template

It is expected that someone who has finished their work should sign a sign-off sheet. This will help them get rid of this task or duty and pass it on to someone else. It is a way of transferring the charge to someone else. Almost every organization uses a sign-off sheet. It helps them to maintain the office environment and in case of any incident, they know who was in charge at that specific time.

A sign-off sheet is a paper that contains the following details:

  • company or firm’s name
  • Date and time
  • Employee name and signature
  • Signature of an authorized person

There are many types of sign-off sheets and the detail on different sheets changes with them. Typically there are the following types of sign-off sheets:

1.     Ordinary sign-off sheets

  • Used by permanent staff in an office
  • Daily used by workers in a factory
  • Shift change sign-off sheets

2.     Special sign-off sheets

  • Sign-off sheet for completed projects
  • Sign off sheet for emergency leave
  • Sign-off sheet for leaving a group

Here is a free Sample Sign-Off Sheet Template created using MS Excel,

Sign-Off-Sheet-Template 1

Here is the download link for this Sign-Off Sheet Template,download

We use ordinary sign-off sheets daily in our life. It makes no difference if you are working in a big corporate firm or a small coffee shop. You have to sign on a sign-off sheet when your duty time is over. If you are working as a manual worker in a factory, you have to sign on a sign-off sheet when your duty is over. The sheets used in factories have extra space for comments from every worker. A worker fills this column about the condition of the machine he was working on. In case of a fault, it helps the worker on the second shift. In those offices that continue to work for 24 hours a day, it’s very important to fill out the sign-off sheet whenever the shift changes.

Special sign-off sheets are made for unusual purposes when someone completes the project he was assigned, he fills out a sign-off sheet to hand over the complete project. In this way, he is no longer part of that task and hence, will not be supposed responsible in case of error. Every employee is supposed to leave at a fixed time but what if someone has some kind of emergency? Then he can use an emergency sign-off sheet. If a worker has to go between his duty hours, he is asked to fill out the sign-off sheet. That sheet will go into the permanent record of the company and this will cause him a deduction in his salary. If a group of workers is assigned a project and a member wants to leave the group due to any reason, he will be asked to fill out a project sign-off sheet.

Employee records are facilitated by the sign-off sheets. You can assess a staff member’s effectiveness through sign-off sheets. Employees with numerous leaves tend to ignore about working as a team. The sign-off sheets are used by top management to determine those who should be rewarded and the underperfomers.

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